Author Archives: Bridget Raftery

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Toukley ’24 | Waterhouse Wins | NSW States Match Report

‘bitta breeze, bitta flat water, what could ya ask for?’ Round 2 of the NSW Hobie Cat State Championships was held at Toukley Sailing Club in Darkinjung Country over the weekend of the 10th & 11th of February. The splendidly flat waters of Tuggerah Lake hosted a grand total of 31 x Hobie 14s and…

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2014 Hobie 16 Worlds, From the Jervis Bay Archives

I would always recommend wearing your VSC (or any Hobie sailing shirt for that matter) shirt in public – you never know who you’ll meet. While out and about on the town, I found myself at a table at the Husky RSL in conversation with my mate’s grandfather, John Buttle. He’d come to have a…

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Top Gun ’23 | The NSW States Match Report

Revvin’ up your engine, Listen to her howlin’ roar… Joining the contingent of cargo ships, jellyfish, and planes overhead on the flat waters of Botany Bay in Dharawal country, a strong fleet of catamarans hit the water over the weekend of the 4th and 5th of November. Kurnell Catamaran Club played host to the first…